Friday, December 31, 2010

i guess its party time!

We broke into our Rosca de Reyes early. This is a traditional egg bread that is formed in a huge ring- it is covered in a dusting of sugar and dried fruit and is served for New Years Eve and New Years- and it can be found all throughout the Christmas Season. It is reminiscent of challah and cardamon bread- a yeast bread with hints of sweetness. As I was devouring my chunk of this lovely treat my fingers treaded across a little plastic figure. The plastic figure is hidden inside the bread and is representative of the baby Jesus, and the one that gets the doll in their piece of the bread is the baby Jesus' god-parent and is supposed to throw a party for His christening. My piece was the one in which the little doll was I guess I'll just have to throw a party!! ......As if I needed an excuse!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

a very important day

Some days you measure worth by mere accomplishment and others you measure by the quality of your consumption. Today was one of those days where both factors merged into one. Today was Chile Relleno day! I had been waiting all week for this culinary pleasantry! Today was blocked out on the social calendar for this single item. Cati- my aunt's right hand lady, scored a home run on these babies- we had the traditional- queso (cheese) filled, and a picadillo (ground meat with Cati's own sophistication of pine nuts, raisins)..all of course served with hot corn tortillas- oh my...I was over the moon. Even though Cati and I have a language barrier between us, I do believe we have an understanding of hearts. I think she quietly enjoys the gusto in which I adore eating...I do believe she finds a certain level of satisfaction when I not only clean up my plate but ask for seconds- a trait I inherited from my Pops!

After this divine entree, much to my delight, I was taken down memory lane- Cati surprised us with fried plantains and her cream sauce....I have yet to have them ever as good since my last visit- which as mentioned prior was a long time ago!

Yep- I am one happy chica!

(reveling in the loveliness of plantains and cream sauce-
and being a little bit of a smart aleck in my dad's direction as he has been craving them just as long as I)

Monday, December 20, 2010

....15 years of salivating

My Tia immediately upon my arrival in Mexico City presented me with a host of activities and events she coordinated for the two of us to participate in a fashion that is uniquely hers. With this full range of activities given, she also provided a window of opportunity for me to address any special requests that I wanted to engage in while visiting the City. I almost immediately mentioned my need, my desire and the quest that would fulfill a 15 year yearning. Some would reserve this type of longing for deep, heavy things- but no no- not this chica..folks I pine for Argentine beef! When my Pops and I had visited our Tia long ago in this ancient, sprawling, and crazy city we were first introduced to Cambalache- an Argentine restaurant in downtown Mexico City. The memory of how good that meat tasted has never left me. The allure here is that you are served this sizzling plate with a slab of steak prepared to your liking (which if I can interject any CG advice here- medium rare to rare- always on beef!!) to your table and is served with the customary condiment- chimichurri. Adding to the flavor is the way in which the meal is consumed, each person throws their fork and knife on the platter and carves off a bit of the meat for themselves as they go ensuing an immediate intimacy as only can happen when truly dining in a communal type fashion. So tonight was our night to revisit where I fell head over heels for this wondrously simple and impressive meal. My Tia and I dined in greatness at Cambalache, at her favorite table, great drinks, fabulous service. Let me pause- we are talking servers waiting in every alcove watching your every sip and bite, so they can sweep up and fill your glass when it gets a little low and your plate needs changing-five stars- bravo. The meal was great. I must say though that the most fabulous thing I walked away with in addition to a nice light feeling by lilting a couple of drinks back and the blessing of a divine meal- was the company. These moments had are ones to be cherished-ones I know I am lucky and privileged to partake.

My first Posada

On Sabato (Saturday) I attended my first Posada- which is a traditional Mexican Christmas celebration in which the Nativity is re-enacted. However this particular party I attended was a Posada in name only. It ended up being more of a "who's-who" party. The host of this party is Kikon- an Asian man that was born in Peru and then moved to Mexico City- I suppose to seek better exposure for his talents. He is a singer and an actor. Kikon is very warm and funny and all guests are put at ease with his charm and hospitality. My Tia Nan whom is my host, interpreter,chauffeur and social coordinator- is in the entertainment biz in Mexico City- so much of her friends and acquaintances are someway or another in show business themselves.

Immediately upon arrival there were video crews swirling around with their cameras and mics in tow- and interviews poolside were already being conducted with a famous actress -Maria and a very famous singer-Dulce. There were at least two different TV stations represented and at least one magazine and one newspaper all at the posada to conduct interviews and to record the events of the evening.

Essentially the party ended up being a gathering of partaking of spirits, food and laughter. I made friends with the English Speaking types- since my Spanish is bordering on this side of horrible! Funny thing- I took Spanish in High School and I took a bit of Italian a few years ago- but when I was in Italy trying to communicate in Italian- the words that would come to me were Spanish, now being in a Spanish speaking country meagerly attempting to communicate- the words that keep flooding my mind are Italian! Go figure!

All the ladies were bestowed a gift from Kikon- the ladies that he knew more intimately received a lacy little pair of undies in accord with the Mexican tradition- in either red-symbolizing love or yellow-symbolizing wealth. For those that were either maybe above the age threshold of bestowing racy little things or that Kikon did not know quite as well were given some super cool earings. One of the actors that was at the party- Enrique- was indignant of Kikon's sexist partiality in gift giving to the ladies- and he insisted of its injustice- he was then given a gift of his own-in proper order, that being boxers.

Needless to say this group certainly knows how to have fun and I made friends easily- and was very glad to partake of Kikon's annual Posada.

Friday, December 17, 2010

viva la mexico

I have embarked on yet another journey. I am spending the Christmas and New Year Holiday in Mexico City with my great-aunt. I have been here only once before- at the beginning of my adolescence the age of- braces- back brace- the epitome of awkwardness and middle-schoolness! I am now getting to take things in with not only eyes that have had experience to focus them- but also eyes that are fresh to the world. This undoubtedly will be a fabulous trip with lots of parties, delicious food, and wonderful spirits, exquisite company and the allure of meeting new people and places.

Yesterday I was greeted with tacos with homemade tortillas, tequila and fresh papaya....thank God I didn't have to die to go to this heaven!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Perspective of Portland Pretension

What the hell is wrong with Portland and its constant debauchery of fashion…I love to roll out of bed and head directly out the door without brushing my hair with the best of em…but shit I am not about to campaign to make it a regular part of my fashion regimine….come on you guys are really attracted to those dirty hair unwashed- crumbled laundry kind of chick- come on really? Portland surely does have this thing- where the people in it think that they are better than the rest….wash my hair- "who the hell do you think you are?" Iron my clothes- "hello?" Wear boots that don’t have holes in them- "again who the hell are you?" "Man this is a state of mind-My dirty messed up hair – Im better than washing my hair…washing your hair is for those corporate types..we don’t do that here..we need to become one with the earth in like a recycled green type way, man..actually we want to become so close to our food and what makes our food that we actually rub chicken manure in our hair- yeah…we are that cool…and we’re smarter than you too…can’t you tell? My black rimmed glasses should all ready exude my smartness- duh. I make coffee better than you, I make kombucha better than you, and I wear flannel better than you. "

Friday, December 3, 2010

Uncovering a secret........

I have started a new component to chicgastronome. I am bringing the public WBPDX- Blueberry Hill Productions and Feel the Love Studios in a virtual format- sharing my passion for food and food finds through my voice and style.
My most recent broadcast-

Jim and Pattys:
4951 NE Fremont Street- Portland, OR 97213
Serves: Stumptown Coffee
Hours: M-F 6AM-5PM
Saturday: 8AM-5PM
Sunday: Closed