My mind is under a heavy influence of spring fever. For Pacific Northwesterners this year in particular the rain has taken its toll- and it continues to persist- the weather only bleeping from the rainy dogma with a sunny respite here and again, giving us nothing to bank on. Yet wait! There is a sign that spring and yes maybe I can say summer- is on the horizon! My body has been craving the foods of spring, things like lemons, asparagus,
eggs, and.......rhubarb! Which on an aside and slight detour- listen to these cravings they are a primal instinct that our bodies were blessed with. Its the way that our body awakens us to each season-listen!Yes folks- rhubarb is growing in a sunny spot near you! I have been on a rampage of rhubarb concocted everything. Nothing tastes more like spring than this weird weed looking thing. This tart and sassy fruit will give you a kick in your mouth and awaken your body to recognize that sunnier days are ahead- and lets face it-thats a promise we can all be thankful regardless of circumstance or position. Im not particularly qualified to give out medical advice- but I have served a heavy dose of remedies through philosophy pertaining to food. All the same you can take it on authority from the resident CG that a few doses of this delightful and primitive stalk from the earth will change and lighten your perspective.
**CG suggestions for rhubarb: compote, muffins, pie, tart, crepes, pair compote with roast chicken/turkey or pork tenderloin, the possibilities are endless!!!
**AND A NEW USE JUST DISCOVERED (as seen in picture): toast with chunky peanut butter, honey and rhubarb compote....beyond delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am over the moon about this epicurean manifestation!
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