The salmon was picked up by the beautiful young woman that had so craftily baited her line, and had cast it in the shining waters of the river. The young lady possessing the ability to keep up with the boys in the outdoor type of activities all the while maintaining her femininity firmly took hold of the fish and gut it just as a good patron of the river does- and returned the salmon's insides to the waters that bore him. She then respectfully placed her catch on the ice inside the cooler that she had prepared -being of confident mind, she knew she would be successful that day in bringing home a catch. She started back toward the shore with satisfaction. The young lady having countenance that resounds her name sake- decided to share her bounty. So upon returning to the river bank- she called up her cousin and they planned to have dinner the following evening sharing the blessing of the catch of the day. The following evening they gathered round a square table, in a cottage on a hill lined with blueberries- with the beauty of the earth shimmering around them, and the warmth of a hand crafted meal in front of them, and the love of friends and family encircling the feast. Here the salmon's calling was met- his existence brought four people together- three of them cousins, to dine and engage in a way they had not yet experienced. A magical moment transpired.
A fish is not a fish alone- a meal not just a meal. Beauty happens every day by what appears to be a small encounter.
Love that story. Thanks for the reminder and will be blessed sitting around my table tonight eating salmon a friend caught for us.