Friday, December 31, 2010
i guess its party time!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
a very important day

Monday, December 20, 2010
....15 years of salivating

My first Posada

On Sabato (Saturday) I attended my first Posada- which is a traditional Mexican Christmas celebration in which the Nativity is re-enacted. However this particular party I attended was a Posada in name only. It ended up being more of a "who's-who" party. The host of this party is Kikon- an Asian man that was born in Peru and then moved to Mexico City- I suppose to seek better exposure for his talents. He is a singer and an actor. Kikon is very warm and funny and all guests are put at ease with his charm and hospitality. My Tia Nan whom is my host, interpreter,chauffeur and social coordinator- is in the entertainment biz in Mexico City- so much of her friends and acquaintances are someway or another in show business themselves.
Friday, December 17, 2010
viva la mexico
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Perspective of Portland Pretension
What the hell is wrong with Portland and its constant debauchery of fashion…I love to roll out of bed and head directly out the door without brushing my hair with the best of em…but shit I am not about to campaign to make it a regular part of my fashion regimine….come on you guys are really attracted to those dirty hair unwashed- crumbled laundry kind of chick- come on really? Portland surely does have this thing- where the people in it think that they are better than the rest….wash my hair- "who the hell do you think you are?" Iron my clothes- "hello?" Wear boots that don’t have holes in them- "again who the hell are you?" "Man this is a state of mind-My dirty messed up hair – Im better than washing my hair…washing your hair is for those corporate types..we don’t do that here..we need to become one with the earth in like a recycled green type way, man..actually we want to become so close to our food and what makes our food that we actually rub chicken manure in our hair- yeah…we are that cool…and we’re smarter than you too…can’t you tell? My black rimmed glasses should all ready exude my smartness- duh. I make coffee better than you, I make kombucha better than you, and I wear flannel better than you. "
Friday, December 3, 2010
Uncovering a secret........

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
il recipe y lei (recipe for y'all)
I have decided that every now and again I will post relevant recipes. In light of the past Thanksgiving Holiday and the Christmas Season now upon us- I will impart two recipes direct from Feel the Love Studios, which adorn my family's table every year for both Holidays. Hope you adore them both.
375 degrees
-2 1/2 tsp. of active dry yeast dissolved in 1 1/2 c. of lukewarm water
-2/3 c. of unsalted butter
-2/3 c. sugar
-2 eggs
-1 c. of warm and mashed potatoes
-1 tsp. of salt
-6-7 c. of flour
1. Mix the wet ingredients first
2. Add in flour and mix- my preferred method is diving in with my hands
3. Continue to knead dough and add flour until you have a nice smooth round ball of dough
4. Place dough in a buttered bowl and cover- let rise for a couple of hours or until noticeably different in size
5. Roll the dough into lovely little round balls and place on a buttered sheet pan
6. Let rise again until double in size- or nice and puffy
7. Bake for 15-20 minutes (golden brown on top)
**OPTIONAL STEP/TIP: After Step 4- You can refrigerate the dough over night. Then when you are ready to bake just continue with Step-5
- fresh or frozen cranberries
- sugar
- orange juice
**This recipe does not have measurements but I will throw out a few hints as how to gauge
1. In a pot place as many cranberries as you would like sauce
2. Turn on heat to a medium- medium/high heat
3. Pour in orange juice- just enough to barely cover the cranberries
4. Add sugar- you have to go by taste- but to give you an idea for about 6 cups of cranberries I add 1/2 cup or maybe a little more of sugar
5. Cook until the cranberries begin to pop, and the orange juice cooks off
6. You can remove the cranberries from the heat when the sauce has thickened
7. Let cool for a little while- then place in a dish or bowl of your liking. You can serve this warm or cold. It lasts at least a week in your refrigerator.
Friday, November 26, 2010
...giving Thanks
Monday, September 27, 2010
It's the salt
I was quite perturbed as I exited the local Hi-School Pharmacy, my lovely champagne in clutch..I did not even get carded by the little high school kid attending to my purchases! I surmised it must have been the two boxes of Kosher Salt also part of my purchase that concluded that I was above the drinking age-..not my looming celebration of 28 years on this blessed planet! It’s the salt!
grazie y amore

grazie y amore (thank you and love)
This is a dedication to all of you that have extended your heart to me and show me daily what it is and how it is to love.
You all are enrichment- the wheat to the flour;the kosher to the salt; the extra to the virgin;the heirloom to the tomato; the bubbles to the prosecco- you are molto fantastico not tipico- a class and grade all of its own.
Your love is so good it had me craving more- it rose to the top just like good and rich cream- it rose above groves of olive trees, outstanding leather, high-end fashion, glorious sun, gold and cobblestone streets- you all are the "good stuff" - the filling to my canoli
Grazie! brava mi amore
Monday, August 30, 2010
Back in the "U-S of A"

I have been back in my motherland for a couple of weeks now. Being gone brought things into perspective. No not the huge weighted thunderbolt answer to all of my questions and my soul searching- but rather I was given gratitude. I missed my people. I have the best web of hearts and hands anyone could ever ask for. I longed to be back in their presence. These people- these fantastic, amazing people that make me full, happy and loved. These are the people that read my blog (because they support and love me), that pick me up at the airport with a hand-made welcome home sign carefully crafted by their 18 mo. old daughter, have flowers waiting on my door step with welcome home letters by their 2 yr. old & 4 yr. old sons, the crazy wonderful people that make a gigantic poster and stretch it across my door welcoming me home in Italian, the people that set their phone to Rome time- just to know when I am waking up, the people that get me a travel book and phone card to be connected in the country and out, the people that gave me life, the people that pray for me every day, the people that run through a train station with me, the people that give me a journal because they know I love to write my thoughts, these people I share meals with, these people I drink coffee with, the people that say hello with genuine interest and smile. These people, they are my people. I love them- they make my world beautiful. Thank you for being you and sharing your heart with me.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Firenze..also known as...... Florence

I arrived in Florence with a gung-ho determination to seek out art. Florence is home to many a museum and some of the best art in the world. My first night in Florence I enjoyed, I had a nice meal at ZaZa Trattoria-albeit a hit with the English speaking tourists, and then found my runner up for the best gelato prize, and that would be Grom. I had super fabulous gelato and was befriended by two locals who gave me a mini private walking tour of Florence’s sights near the Duomo. I have realized that because of my attraction to people and my genuine fascination with them, that these experiences of connection are what elevate and transform any experience for me. The next day I did go see the Duomo in the splendor of the sun and take in the Uffizia art museum- home to what feels like zillions of pieces of Renaissance art. I was pretty exhausted by the end of the day from walking and walking and walking (which I love), and from essentially darting the tourist scene. This trip has been revealing of myself in a lot of ways, and one other thing I have recognized that maybe wasn’t so emphatically clear earlier, was that tourist destinations tend to annoy the hell out of me. I find myself scathing at the English speakers- which totally isn’t fair- I speak E


Postcard perfect

Cinque Terre:
I had it in my mind that I wanted to see the Cinque Terre. It is a must on many people’s trip to Italy, especially amongst other Europeans. My sister Ashley and my brother in law Kenny (aka Ken Dawg or KenTouchThis) had all ready stopped by these little villages on their way down south to meet up with me- and gave it rave reviews. With such heightened reviews I decided I must go..if not for any other reason than to work on my tan! The Cinque Terre is comprised of five little fishing towns hanging off of the cliffs and almost into the sea, with pastel colored buildings dotting the hillsides. I stayed in Levanto one of the more north towns. These towns are each separated by a 5-10 minute train ride and treacherous hillside! The landscape certainly paints a beautiful picture, however if I were writing a travel guide I would tell you to skip the Cinque Terre and go to Sicily! All though maybe I wouldn’t- because than the secret would get out. I got really really spoiled by going to Sicily, and going there first. Sicily is so gorgeous, the people so incredibly kind, and the communities hardly scathed by tourists that it left a huge impression on me and tainted my whole view of Italy. The Cinque Terre if taken in for its beauty than it is a must see, but as for the whole package I believe its lacking. It is such an attraction by visitors, and college kids on break seeking out their party scene-that the ambience gets pretty murky. The language I heard predominately was English, and everything is geared toward tourists. I can’t blame the towns and communities within the C.T., they base their livelihood on this crazy activity. I would describe this area as the Cabo of Italy..and I’ve never been Cabo Wabo! When our friends told us at the San Pietro Ostaria that Sicily loves us..I think they got it wrong, we love Sicily!
Verona Part Two

Verona is incredibly beautiful with a river snaking around the city’s wall, acting as a natural moat, and with maddening small city streets, and outlying tranquil hillsides make it a perfect place for someone to carry out a few relaxing days. Not only was Verona the host for one of my most memorable scenes, the opera, it also is the home to one of the most fabulous vintage shops ever, called Celine. French born Celine moved to Italy 20 plus years ago to be with her Dutch husband. Somewhere during the timeline they moved to Florida where Celine worked in a high end second hand store. She decided when they moved back to Italy that she was going to do the same thing but better. I am sure she succeeded in her goal because I was beyond delighted. Celine’s is a treasure trove of splendid jewels. The store is packed with fabulous labels such as Chanel, Dolce & Gabanna, Marni, and just about any luxury clothing label you can imagine, she has it. I spent an entire afternoon with Celine and her husband, Paul. They encouraged me to stay as long as I liked, and indeed I did. I spent hours inspecting and trying on the delicious offerings, and left with satisfaction and my wardrobe a little bigger.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Verona-Evening of Divine Proportions

Ok, I stated that my night before was magical, but last night took the cake and was elevated into a category that can only be described as celestial. I use adjectives with great chivalry and grand liberal freedom, but last night really was over the top amazing with only one blip into dark abyss.
In one fell swoop I high-tailed it out of Milano (skipping a couple of things I still wanted to do) realizing that one very important thing I wanted to do may not be available if I did not get a move-on. This thing I wanted to do was see an opera in Verona. Every summer Verona hosts an Opera festival in its Roman Arena in the center of town. This arena throughout history has held up to 25,000 spectators for the likes of lets say executions, plays and whatever other medieval pastime was in vogue at the time. The arena has phenomenal acoustics and makes the most outstanding setting to hear an opera I do believe. The open air and stars above provided an almost cued soft summer breeze from time to time.
I was fortunate enough to see Aida, the most famous opera in Italy. I loved it! The opera singer’s voices are that of angels that at certain points gave me chills (especially Aida herself). There were no microphones yet you could hear them perfectly with any seat in the arena. Every element of the show was detailed in immaculate fashion. The pageantry of the costumes and stage were pieces of art all in of themselves, the orchestra tight and ambient, and the vastness of the crew incredible (I would say at times there were over a 100 people on stage at once). To even create more of an effect the production used the top steps of the arena itself to hold gargoyle or oracle type figures, that sometimes I would forget were there and then I would catch them out of the corner of my eye once again reminding me how intentional every element is in this production. This particular production had ballet intertwined within the arias, giving even more eye candy for us spectators. Every little moment was choreographed with sophistication and often there was so much going on that I often missed things. To say I was impressed is an understatement.
The crowd was full of vigor and excitement that gave the whole scene an amazing energy. Gents would send out words of praise after each aria- Brava! Bravissimo! Then when the conductor would leave or enter the stage, crazed attendants would yell, Brava Maestro! The conductor is held in the same level of importance as the singers themselves. The enthusiasm of the opera lovers was thrilling and entirely elevated the level of the show.
I mentioned that I had a moment that was not so grand in an otherwise unbelievable evening. During the opera there were two intermissions (the opera being big in so many things- it is also a 3-4 hour event!). At the second intermission I left the confines of the arena wall and went on a hunt to curb my ever present craving for sweets. Well, I apparently was a little bit late getting back- also no surprise to those that know me well. In an effort to protect the sanctity of the opera the attendants follow strict rules and you are not allowed back into your seat if you are late. I was so incredibly upset. The fine young attendants did explain that I could see the opera from the stone steps- what you and I would call the “cheap seats”. I was ticked, I threw a silent temper tantrum but also made it clear enough to those paying attention that I was clearly upset. I was so upset, at myself of course and the fact that a smile didn’t even get me past the blue rope to my premium seat. In every other situation in Italy it has worked without even trying. I guess this just goes to show you how much Italians love their opera and are dedicated to preserve their art. This I sincerely respect. I believe that there are lessons to be learned in every situation, this one not escaping this truth. So folks, words of wisdom for you to live by and that I impart to you, “Don’t do the third gelato.”
Saturday, July 31, 2010
July 31, 2010
Milano. It is a fabulous city that has integrated its past with a firm footing in its present. It is a city known for its business savvy armed with an unsurpassed sense of fashion. Milano is of course home to the powerhouse players in ultimate luxury labels, such as Dolce & Gabanna, Prada, Missoni, and the list goes on and on and on. Paris and Milano are in constant competition for who “wears” the title for fashion capital. This city parades its decadent taste without pretention-which I love. My guidebook states that the piazzas are not as full of warm inviting people in Milano as in other parts of the country- however I would state that has not been my experience. Since being here I have received a ride on a scooter from the train station to downtown, was offered to use a bike to get back to where I was staying (because my feet were hurting- I took off my shoes on a park bench and rested my head on the wall and closed my eyes- and it immediately was concerning to people around me wondering if I was ok – even a doctor that just happened to be close by asked if I was ok!), and was given a free macaroon by this splendid ultra chic French bakery. So to say that the Milanese are not as friendly is not true. Its like this, you will find the people in Woodland more inviting than say the people in Portland at first encounter, but that is because of a pace of life that dictates the level and cadence of engagement. Here it is no different. A warm smile and openness to culture is your ticket to doors being opened for you-true of all places and all things.
There are a million suits running around this well-groomed city. Washington D.C. has a million suits running around but there is a clear difference in these city’s opinion of what constitutes as business attire. These suits I am speaking of are tailored- you know the kind that the models wear in the magazines, the ones that people from our corner of the world seem to think are completely frivolous and unnecessary? Well, tailored fine suits are a must here- and thank God for it.
I found myself in heaven at Peck Deli. Think Whole Foods but with white gloves and bow ties and they say “Vegan, what?” Every purchase is wrapped up in super fine packaging and topped with a bow- no matter how little the purchase! Most importantly Peck is home to the best gelato in all of the world- a prize bestowed by the ultimate connoisseur- Me! The gelato has no neon colors, is not displayed in heaps but rather behind glass and kept fresh in stainless bins with elegant copper lids. The flavors are numerous and made of exceptional ingredients. I consumed with incredible satisfaction, orange chocolate with real candied orange and fine chocolate you could taste through the cream and sugar, white chocolate hazelnut, and my all time stand-by straciatella (vanilla base with hard chocolate swirls). Anyone that knows me- knows I am certainly willing to pay top $ for fine things, but am willing at excruciating lengths to hunt for a deal. Well here at Pecks I had to do neither. All of the attendants graciously accepted my request for small orders of everything- due to my wanting to consume my items per oggi (that day) and as they also say here I am traveling “solo”. ** Typically at places in Italy where you purchase meats and cheeses they make you order a minimum order of so many kg’s. For the size of gelato that I purchased its only about 1 euro more than other typical shops and you get to try three flavors rather than the usual 2- heck of a deal by my book..and so much better..hard to go back to any other gelato- but I will suffer through anyhow! **Gelato is a staple in my diet- consuming at least once a day- yesterday was a double dip day- I refused to resist!
Yesterday evening I was tired and not really in the mood to continue anything by foot (good thing no one was traveling with me- the only one I could be cranky with was myself!), but I continued anyway knowing that it would be better if I did and it was Friday night and I knew something would be happening more than any other night. So I ventured down to an area that had been recommended to me by a local called Porta Genova. I am so glad I went (the movie “Yes Man” has imparted more wisdom than one would think). I was welcomed by a vibrant display of youth, art, food and water. The Porta Genova area has a small system of canals connected by small walking bridges. On either side of these canals is a plethora of bars all offering the ultimate happy hour (again I love a deal!)- outstanding ambiance- the bars bring all their chairs and tables out into the street so you are sitting right next to the water, buy one drink and get a buffet of appetizers for about 8-9 euros- ultra fab for this regazza. Not only are spirits and antipasto on display but also are the works of local artists that fan their masterpieces along the waters edge. Shops stay open late taking advantage of this area of town’s insomnia. Live music filtered through the air and was a perfect topper to my magical evening.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Arriving in Italy
Arrived in Roma yesterday! I had booked a room at the same time of my flight and had really no idea where the heck I was staying…to my sheer delight I ended up in this
little town; Ostia Antica right outside of Roma. This little town showed me the Italy I am after. When I arrived in Italy, I was caffeine, food and sleep deprived, but I took the advice of Rick Steve’s and kept moving. I meandered my way down to the town center of Ostia Antica and I started snooping…..this led me to a little cafĂ© where I ordered a latte and then another, the quintessential Italian woman attendant behind the counter respectively obliged my needs! It was only after my second latte that I was able to relax and take in my surroundings. I then got up and began uncovering this little town. I walked along cobblestone streets only big enough to walk on, clean laundry hanging above me drying on the lines between buildings, neighborhood felines walking and cozying up to whoever will spare the time, a cheeky young boy that helped me pick out my frutta (and what a great job he did), a panera shop where I got the cutest little mini pizzas you have ever seen- think silver dollar pancakes but pizza!..and oh so many other nuances worthy of mention but will spare to list. The most wonderful surprise beckoned me to the town center..where when I walked in the ancient bell start tolling- there was no one there but me-the perfect scene for a movie! I then turned to see I was standing right next to a castle…I then stepped inside to find that niente costa (didn’t cost anything!). Once inside I looked up..and heard the pigeons fluttering and cooing…this was when I realized I really was in Italy.
A few fun tid bits:
The Men: I love the way Italian men have no problem communicating the way they appreciate the way a woman looks. This could be either by giving one intentional look, maybe a second, or third, or even a stare, or maybe honking their horn, or maybe a whistle, or maybe a shout…whatever it is they are not afraid to be forward! Va benne!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
June 28
Whew- finally did it! I just purchased my ticket for Italy. So un-nerving….it sounds stupid- I know. I tend to think of myself as this sophisticated person willing to try anything, but when it comes down to it I am afraid to leave my familiar surroundings. But there is more to it than that. I recently resigned my somewhat prestigious Executive Director position to pursue my dreams and my passion…and along with so many others that seem to be fleeing to Italy, now home to the “weary-heart refugees”, I am in the throws of a complicated relationship break-up or stay-together dilemma. A drama I never foresaw and am reluctant to admit I have been subject to. I am in uncharted territory in so many ways, that leaving the familiar creates a sort of anxiety. But to hell with it - off to Italy to clear my mind and eat divine food for complete nourishment, respite of the soul and all the other things us fool hearted romantics dream of.