I have been back in my motherland for a couple of weeks now. Being gone brought things into perspective. No not the huge weighted thunderbolt answer to all of my questions and my soul searching- but rather I was given gratitude. I missed my people. I have the best web of hearts and hands anyone could ever ask for. I longed to be back in their presence. These people- these fantastic, amazing people that make me full, happy and loved. These are the people that read my blog (because they support and love me), that pick me up at the airport with a hand-made welcome home sign carefully crafted by their 18 mo. old daughter, have flowers waiting on my door step with welcome home letters by their 2 yr. old & 4 yr. old sons, the crazy wonderful people that make a gigantic poster and stretch it across my door welcoming me home in Italian, the people that set their phone to Rome time- just to know when I am waking up, the people that get me a travel book and phone card to be connected in the country and out, the people that gave me life, the people that pray for me every day, the people that run through a train station with me, the people that give me a journal because they know I love to write my thoughts, these people I share meals with, these people I drink coffee with, the people that say hello with genuine interest and smile. These people, they are my people. I love them- they make my world beautiful. Thank you for being you and sharing your heart with me.
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