Cinque Terre:
I had it in my mind that I wanted to see the Cinque Terre. It is a must on many people’s trip to Italy, especially amongst other Europeans. My sister Ashley and my brother in law Kenny (aka Ken Dawg or KenTouchThis) had all ready stopped by these little villages on their way down south to meet up with me- and gave it rave reviews. With such heightened reviews I decided I must go..if not for any other reason than to work on my tan! The Cinque Terre is comprised of five little fishing towns hanging off of the cliffs and almost into the sea, with pastel colored buildings dotting the hillsides. I stayed in Levanto one of the more north towns. These towns are each separated by a 5-10 minute train ride and treacherous hillside! The landscape certainly paints a beautiful picture, however if I were writing a travel guide I would tell you to skip the Cinque Terre and go to Sicily! All though maybe I wouldn’t- because than the secret would get out. I got really really spoiled by going to Sicily, and going there first. Sicily is so gorgeous, the people so incredibly kind, and the communities hardly scathed by tourists that it left a huge impression on me and tainted my whole view of Italy. The Cinque Terre if taken in for its beauty than it is a must see, but as for the whole package I believe its lacking. It is such an attraction by visitors, and college kids on break seeking out their party scene-that the ambience gets pretty murky. The language I heard predominately was English, and everything is geared toward tourists. I can’t blame the towns and communities within the C.T., they base their livelihood on this crazy activity. I would describe this area as the Cabo of Italy..and I’ve never been Cabo Wabo! When our friends told us at the San Pietro Ostaria that Sicily loves us..I think they got it wrong, we love Sicily!
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