Wednesday, November 23, 2011
the best
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
getting bare
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
finally finding peace
Peace may have found me or maybe I found it. Finding refuge in lit candles, a lulling fire, staying home. Respite in not knowing what God is but not wanting to give it up. Hope in the future ahead. Comfort in putting my head down and moving toward my desires. A schedule. A plan. A glass of wine in a solo happy hour event inside my chateau. The blazing rows of blueberry plants. The autumn leaf filled air. The familiarity of the season, the patience it encourages and the nostalgia it stirs up. I welcome it. I praise it.
Friday, October 7, 2011
my love affair with the end of the world
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
independent spirit
Sunday, June 19, 2011
hail to the chief

My Pops was never particularly known for his culinary attributes- his domain is on the other end of the band-saw or sander. All the while he has always attempted to keep a few main-stay and go-to recipes in his tool belt for the now and again get together.
Friday, June 3, 2011
i do declare!

Monday, May 23, 2011
a fish tale

Monday, May 9, 2011
reckoning ourselves

Sunday, May 1, 2011
the key to friendship...

Monday, April 25, 2011
something's on the brain

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
place , place- whats in a place
accomplished would furnish the most compelling results. I ventured out into the wilderness of no schedule, no 8-5, nothing but the expanse of life and the world in front of me.I had no map, and the arrow in my compass seemed to be spinning round andround. So I walked in circles- I looked under rocks and marked trees with a bit of flagging taken from my fabric. I meandered down promising paths and took in the gorgeousness that a new view afforded. As soon as the newness faded, I would pursue another trail and be mesmerized and in awe once again. When dark came- it enveloped me in dis pair- leaving me questioning if the sun really would come up to furnish me with light and provide the clarity I needed to make the trek. Then as it always does- it rose with brightness that yielded a surge of energy to keep me moving. The terrain at times was steep and it hurt to climb. Sometimes it was rocky and I would fall and I questioned my strength to get up. Then I would pull in deep- and climb my way out. The questioning of myself did not subside and persisted with every step that yielded no blatant results. In an effort to uphold my commission I kept moving. I had a good time along this journey- offering up my own comic relief. I would roll on the ground in a laughing hysteria at the image of me tromping through the muck and tumbling down hills-dirtying my designer gear. Then as profound as the simplest of things are- I realized that my worn path was circling around the same place. In the circle was a clearing. I decided to veer from the path I had treaded and walked inside to see more of what the clearing offered. As I walked farther in I got a supreme case of deja-vu. One step closer and waves of calm and peace cascaded over me like a waterfall. This place that I stumbled upon -was home.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
an appetite.....what a horrible thing to waste
A ravenous appetite is I do dare say one of the sexiest qualities a person may have. It concludes a far lot about a person than just the rumble in ones belly. A healthy appetite is a characteristic of a person that is determined to charge the world and make a mark. An appetite proves a general insatiable wonder for the world. Confidence abounds in the person not faint of appetite- being comfortable with ones self to ask for seconds- and get lost in the enjoyment a lovely meal can provide- and revels in the opportunity to edge slightly into glutinous satisfaction.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My discovery is not a new find for locals in the Emerald City, but for me it is revolutionary. I have stumbled across the best Thai food ever- no no not the best Thai food in Seattle- but again- EVER. Thai Tom is a beacon on University Ave- in the center of an overabundance of food court quality storefronts fanning every side of the street accommodating the budgets of the predominant demographic of young 20-somethings. Thai Tom is different from the start. The warm glow of the neon lit open sign and the constant hover of patrons awaiting their turn for a seat billowing out the door, are its most recognizable street side features. Once inside you will be ushered to sit in the shoebox of a dining area by the friendly and industrious staff. The seating arrangements are one wall of stacked tables on the south wall followed by what I consider the box seats of the venue at the bar- providing excellent entertainment. The staff keeps this amazing cadence that I have yet to ever bear witness. Every person has a distinct role in maintaining the efficiency of the operation. Amazingly no one that works at Thai Tom manages to cross the lines of responsibility- keeping the order in tact. At the helm a gorgeous display of rhythm is conducted by the cook- who is on display for all to observe. Every space of the grill is maximized- a shallow wok pan on every burner. As soon as a pan is used it is immediately retrieved by the right-hand attendant- and soon replaced by a clean pan to be filled with vegetables and sauces- that are created right before your eyes. In addition to the smells wafting through the air are the tunes pumping through the air- with familiar tunes from classic rock heroes being the like of Eric Clapton, the Eagles and Mr. Bob Marley. Just as reticent as any other position is the person in charge of maintaining the quality of music quietly acting as DJ for the audience present. In addition to their post at Thai Tom, several of the guys that keep the eatery running smoothly are also in a band adequately named Thai Sons. The repertoire of the band heralds their favorite musicians covering the likes of Clapton and other rock legends. Due to the incredulously small space, Thai Tom can not accommodate performances so the band regularly performs the first Monday at the month at Scarlett Tree off of 65th and Roosevelt.
The most indicative trait of an establishment worthy of esteem is the quality of the person in charge. George-proprietor of Thai Tom (and drummer of Thai Sons)- in suit with other musicians I only know him by a singular name- is the epitome of an exceptional host. The appreciation for his customers is explicitly genuine and masterfully expressed. Slight in stature and frame are paradox to the largeness of his heart and exuding passion. All of the dishes listed on the fancifully rustic wooden menus are the creation of George himself. As a native of Thailand- he has brought us the flavors of his homeland with the style of a true artist and the graciousness of a Southern gentleman. You can not go wrong with anything here. Any selection will wow and have you craving more. In just one weeks time I have sat at George’s bar thrice times- and still it is not enough. If it weren’t for other obligations and my deep seeded satisfaction with cooking myself I would be dining with George and his enclave every night. This destination is more than open its happening.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
what's not to love?